Smoke Eraser Pro (Mazed)

$20 $24.95
Buy 2 for $30 here

✔ Update regarding the Pro: With new resin collector disc, unit now limits much more of the "sticky stuff" from passing. All users can now easily achieve 1500+ exhales, enjoyably restriction free for the entire lifespan (regardless of what you're putting through it).

✔ The prefilter now much more effectively limits both moisture and resin from passing, the 2 factors proven to kill HEPA filters. Remove mesh & disc when unit's not in use to ventilate. Soak both pieces in alcohol as needed to eliminate collected resin.

✔ Heavy users can add a Docking Station or 2nd unit to avoid restriction from excessive moisture. Anyone though can expect an increase to lifespan from adding either due to more thoroughly dried HEPA filters.

✔ The Docking Station, a patent pending USB powered fan made to snugly fit the Smoke Eraser, is a product typically bought once that dries and repeatedly resets countless Smoke Erasers back to like new.

*All claims are for average customers. If you're hardcore (beyond average), accommodate the increased demand with a 2nd unit or Docking Station.

*Secondhand smoke is responsible for over 41,000 deaths per year. The personal air filter is the only product today that effectively addresses this issue directly at the source. To learn more about it, click here


No other unit is designed to handle breath moisture like the Smoke Eraser, resulting in a lifespan exponentially longer than anything else on the market. Once you try the Smoke Eraser, you never go back. At just half the size and 5x the life of a Smoke Buddy, why would you?

FAQs for the Smoke Eraser:

1a. What is the purpose of the Smoke Eraser? Also known as a personal air filter or sploof, the Smoke Eraser effectively removes all secondhand smoke and smell from exhaled breath. User simply holds the unit to the mouth and blows forcefully to expel the lungs of any kind of smoke or vapor to keep from spewing it carelessly about, polluting air spaces that oftentimes must be shared. It's a way to more respectfully share an airspace or to simply conceal a habit, keeping one's personal business to oneself. Smoke or vapor is blown into the unit, whereby only clean odorless air exits the other side.

2a. So how does it work? It works by keeping the HEPA filter dry. At about half the size of a Smoke Buddy, we seem to get about 4 to 5x their lifespan. Just how long a Smoke Eraser lasts though is highly dependent on customer. The biggest determination of lifespan is whether or not there is a Dock being used. Critical to maximizing lifespan, the highly recommended, one-time purchase Docking Station is simply the most convenient and effective way to keep a Smoke Eraser open and blowing through like new. Removing the lid when unit is not in use is also critical, with the most important stretch being overnight. If not on the Dock for the night, (sometimes needed after days of heavy use), then just make sure to pop off the lid and prefilter before you crash. Easy to forget, but that's just another reason for adding a Docking Station. Having a Dock always on deck makes forgetting no big deal as it gives you the ability to dry the Smoke Eraser on demand.

3a. Why does it work? First thing to understand is breath moisture is the reason for the premature failure of every Smoke Eraser competitor. Without any ability to block, collect, and remove the accumulating water that accompanies each exhale, HEPA filters become soaked, clog, and ultimately fail, oftentimes prior to reaching even 300 uses. With the Smoke Eraser, between the Docking Station and the removable lid and prefilter, we give customers ways to easily keep the HEPA filter open and restriction free.

4a. So why 2? A pair of Smoke Erasers rotated daily, where each is given a full day to dry, allows for the breath humidity to dry out more fully as well. That's the gaseous portion, or the water vapor, expelled with each breath. Having an extra 24 hours per unit to dry out every other day can reset each unit back to new for light to moderate users. Heavy users or anyone wishing to multiply lifespan should be using a Docking Station though. I probably sound like a broken record, but I cannot emphasize enough just how beneficial the Dock is for maintaining a like new condition, and significantly extending unit life. 

5a. What is this statement of being "remarkably satisfying"? The enjoyable finish experienced with a Smoke Eraser is produced by intentionally adding a bit of back pressure to airflow. It's for the same reason a person puckers the lips in order to whistle. Without controlling flow and pressure, it's like trying to blow forcefully with your mouth wide open. Quite unsatisfying. The opposite can be said for using a Smoke Eraser. Some say it's the vibration of your lips; a phenomenon definitely unique to Smoke Eraser. But what can I say? It's just cool. What's remarkable is the attention to detail.

Pro Tip -
Regarding elimination of resin from prefilter. Not only does the prefilter protect the HEPA from moisture, it limits restriction from resin too. When necessary, remove the mesh and soak it in rubbing alcohol to eliminate resin. Could take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes.

FAQs for the Docking Station:

(Please note: The Dock is simply a fan designed to assist in drying out your HEPA filter. The key to longevity is to begin each day with a dry unit, otherwise moisture compounds leading to premature failure. As such, you can simply common sense use of the Dock. But if you want to get technical, or use this tool to really maximize lifespan, read on.)

1b. Why a Docking Station? One alone improves the experience for and increases the value of every unit you buy essentially adding life like charger to cell phone. They allow user to dry the breath moisture on demand. Very handy for those forgetting lid removal or finding that downtime alone just isn't enough to fully dry the HEPA filter. So you buy one once, and always have a Dock on deck to multiply life to countless units going forward.

2b. But do I really need one? Put it this way. The moisture naturally expelled from breath is already enough to fill up a soda can in just about 24 hours. Now just imagine forcefully pushing this amount of water vapor repeatedly through a highly absorbent HEPA filter. Well this is why effective moisture management is so critical to maximizing lifespan. Even with a prefilter keeping (liquid) water from the HEPA filter and removable lid to help ventilate it, it's the gaseous portion (water vapor) of breath, able to pass prefilter mesh, that is why further measures are simply needed to fully dry the HEPA filter to multiply lifespan. This is what the Dock does well whereby just one alone increases not only the lifespan, but obviously the value to a countless number of units, drastically. This, friends, is a no-brainer.

3b. When do you use it? Recommended use is overnight and whenever the Smoke Eraser is in use. Between hits, when you’d normally set it down, set it on the Docking Station. This will keep the unit wide open. If restriction (clogging) is starting to occur, it’s Dock time. Parking onto the Docking Station will reverse the restriction that starts to build over time as moisture naturally starts to accumulate. For connecting at night, see 4b.

4b. Which side goes onto the Dock? When parking onto the Docking Station after each use during a session, you can leave the lid on and park it right side up. When going for a more long-term HEPA filter drying (30 minutes to overnight), it's recommended you remove lid and mesh, flip the unit over, and park it upside down.

5b. Why does it work? All other brands suffer from the same huge oversight. Unchecked breath moisture. Moisture, the main enemy to the HEPA filter, quickly saturates the highly absorbent filter material causing restriction to occur in what would eventually become the unit's premature failure. The Docking Station counters this via fan generated forced ventilation to stop restriction from occurring.

6b. How long will it last? It's basically the fan in the back of your desktop computer tower. For most, they run 24/7. And how often do you replace these? So just say 8 hours a day. This is if you wanted to run the Dock every night. Even then, I'd think one would last you through plenty of units. Don't you think?

7b. Is it expensive to run all night? A couple dollars a month running the Dock 8 hours a day, 7 days a week. I don't think so.

*As for docking the Smoke Buddy, you just need to flip it upside down. And those end caps, trash them. If we've learned anything guys, ventilation is key.