SAFETY RUN AMOK - Secondhand Smoke Suppression Solution, Suppressed "For Your Safety"

When given the option, most smokers are receptive to sharing an airspace respectfully. Accomplished via personal air filter, a product whose impact extends far beyond its users.

TL;DR: The personal air filter is a way to protect the innocent oftentimes forced to share the air of those who smoke. Millions everyday have no choice but to live, ride, work, or just associate with those who smoke or vape in public. Forced to breathe the exhaled contaminants, their chances of developing cancer increase exponentially. Effectively addressing the issue at the source, the personal air filter not only saves relationships, but has proven time and time again to save life. With over 40k people a year dying needlessly from exposure to secondhand smoke, any time there is a suppression of the remedy, this is simply a tragedy. Often misidentified, the personal air filter is notorious for being subjected to this fate. Proven beneficial to the greater good by effectively suppressing the entirety of exhaled secondhand contaminants, the personal air filter is a proven solution to the deadly effects of secondhand smoke.

Redondo Beach, California September 22, 2023
 - A personal air filter like the Smoke Eraser is the one and only solution that can address the issue of exhaled secondhand smoke directly at the source. Responsible for over 41k deaths per year, the issue is obviously one with far deeper implications than that of a simple annoyance. But when a smoker occupies a shared airspace, and his actions overrule the desires of others, it is the irritation that causes the most immediate distress. Often difficult to address comfortably, but no longer is sitting idly by and accepting the injustice one's only option. The suggestion of a personal air filter can result in a complete suppression of all secondhand smoke and smell that would have otherwise been spewed carelessly about. And for the millions forced to breathe these pollutants as they simply ride, live, work, or just associate with those who smoke, personal air filters like the Smoke Eraser are providing hope. No longer is it necessary to risk a relationship to simply breathe cleanly. And that may be inconsequential to some, but for those forced to face this daily, that's life transformational. But the Smoke Eraser not only saves relationships, it saves lives. Allowing the offender to more respectfully share the airspace certainly does deter potential conflict, but far more importantly, the simple act of breathing is made safe again. And for this, everybody wins.

Secondhand smoke is predicted to only grow increasingly widespread as the legalization of marijuana continues advancing across the country with some 40+ states having approved of its use either recreationally or medicinally. For more on the effects of secondhand smoke from marijuana, visit the following link, With over 55 million adults in the US using the plant, whether for legitimate medical purposes or not, it's simply a fact that when smoked in the home, it's likely a spouse and children are being subjected to the secondhand effects. For this reason alone, any potential solutions to such an issue should be taken seriously. That being said, the Smoke Eraser is the ideal fix in this situation for protecting loved ones, by effectively suppressing the entirety of the deadly exhaled pollutants.

But as effective a solution the personal air filter is to secondhand smoke, there's still a majority unaware of its existence. At least a portion of this is due to suppression from a demonization of the product, typically via inaccurate assumptions that the product is nothing but drug paraphernalia. What this means from the seller's perspective is occasionally being banned from advertising or having listings pulled from the major platforms. Often miscategorized, one example is the Smoke Eraser being considered a pipe. "A ridiculous assumption" says Craig Nowak, owner of Smoke Eraser. "The product introduces nothing into the body, nothing into the blood. It does not promote or glorify anything. It's just an air filter. One designed and intended for saving life. That's it". But regardless, mischaracterizations like this often result in the brand being pigeonholed, kept from folks deserving access to a product so obviously beneficial to the greater good.

But what say you? More censorship? Should Smoke Eraser be "suppressed for your safety?" As ridiculous as it seems, that is apparently the logic behind the difficulty some experience searching for personal air filters. But honestly, when the American Cancer Society claims a smoke-free home is the most important factor toward the health of a family, I think the last thing we should be doing is suppressing remedies.

1 comment

Hi, i just stumbled on this looking for a replacement smoke buddy, but now looks like ill be buying this however saw that you mentioned you were about done with the V5 SE, and mentioned the improvement this would have. This was back in September so I’m likely going to wait for that release assuming it’s very close… Am I correct to assume the V5 is very close to being released? Do you have an estimated date for release yet? Or can I already buy this somewhere? any more insight would be much appreciated, thank you

brian hittner April 12, 2024

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