Random DIY Hacks: "if it's buggin', fix it".
*The theme that seems to permeate the site (pardon the pun), is one of addressing moisture.

The hack to keep your shower curtain from blowing all up in on you and solution providing 25% more room for showering. I've figured out the best way to address this and show you how easy it is to install it below. Unless you want to create a few to sell, it'll be cheaper to buy one here for $15. If interested in the roof extension for complete seal of steam inside of shower, email me.
Regardless, aside from any roof addition, the Shower Defender itself, alone, is the most highly effective solution I've ever seen for controlling "shower curtain effect". It's the reason for this page showing up here within my Smoke Eraser site. Products like this typically would never be seen or sold here.
*Why then? I'm an inventor, or something like that. I guess more a product developer. I'm always making stuff, creating new products, developing ideas, etc. That being said, I wanted to share this one and needed an established platform already built out to handle sales. The thing is, the results of this commonsense solution were so particularly striking in terms of just how perfectly it solved what is honestly, probably considered a stupid problem; one maybe even unrecognized by most. I don't know actually. Is this something everyone has noticed or an annoyance that's being currently dealt with? If so, know this. This "shower defender" is a damn near perfect product in terms of it's effectiveness, (and that's not always so common a result). For this reason, simply enough, I was dying to find out if there's even viability to it. Is there a market for this? I don't know. I just know if that's a yes, this is the solution you want. Compiled as a kit, it covers the issue as thoroughly as anyone's version could. It simply addresses each and every point of entry for the problematic passing air cleanly and makes the showering area simply huge. All you need is in the kit and video. Easy Peasy. $15 for the Shower Defender. If the roof interests you for bathroom mold control or a home steam room addition, email me.
To get a Shower Defender Kit, just click through. You may either pay for one via the product page, or check the vid, relax and take notes...